Friday, August 3, 2012

Teamwork Torch passes to Quincy Greene

The Teamwork Torch is an internal award at News 2 presented amongst employees to recognize individuals who have made a positive impact with their peers.

This week, Photojournalist Quincy Greene was named the recipient of the Teamwork Torch, nominated by Senior Producer Heather Olinger.  Quincy's videography and editing skills can be seen daily in various News 2 broadcasts.  One of his most recent assignments including the shooting and editing of our 2 Your Health Report: FAST Surgery (link below).

In Heather's words:

"After deliberation, I've decided to give it to one of our newer News 2 team members. Even though he's only been with us for a short time, he's a valuable team player. On his 1st day, he was shooting video and running a live shot!  This person is ready, willing and happy to head out to an interview/shoot at anytime, and always comes back with amazing footage. He's also looking for new ways to improve the look of our final product!  Quincy Greene, congrats, and it's an honor to work with you!"

Photojournalist Quincy Greene receives the Teamwork Torch

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